The rose tinted glasses of lockdown. Under the pink moon

The world of human folk grew quiet and still, birdsong rang in the air.

The people’s focus turned inward, -turned to family and community care.

The loud din of the human folk’s activity, hushed to a gentle whisper.

And in the quiet, they began to listen and to hear the wild creatures sing.



The age of convenience shaken, by Mother Earth’s firm reminder, that human folk are part of a cycle and must give back some of that, they have taken.

As traffic in the sky was grounded and cars on the roads were stilled, the human folk gazed at the stars once more, and they noticed the pink moon glowing.


They felt her voice deep within their souls:

“Awaken my sisters and brothers, awaken my daughters and sons, for you have forgotten our connection, forgotten all that you are”.

As time passed on and the pace grew slower, and parents sat with their children, they filled their days with togetherness, in the globally imposed isolation.


They grew in understanding and felt a deep sense of belonging, losing sight of the void, that they always felt growing.

The deep emptiness they needed to fill with frivolities and a greed of possessions.

They started to question, how things had been and the direction life was now going and they started to hope and they started to dream, of a life of simplicity.

They wished eachother, good health and real love and they thought of more than themselves.

And as the world of the human folk grew quiet and still, the wildlife started to roam – out from the woods and into the streets, the creatures found space to be.

Especially the human folk, who finally found space to



and breathe.


They found time to think about all of their actions and the path they were spiralling down.

For the world they had built was so LOUD – they couldn’t hear, so NUMBING they couldn’t feel and so FAST they couldn’t see.

And in the gift of these slower days, the human folk began to change their ways.

They turned from always doing, to learning just how to Be. They stepped back from tech and stepped into their gardens and started to plant many seeds. They watered them with good intention and blessed them with hopes and with dreams.


They stopped their unhealthy fastness of foods and sat down to fresh, home cooked meals.

And as their thoughts changed of what they wanted in life and they realised the damage they’d done, they started to make sustainable changes, where they give back, instead of just taking.

While the people at home made these changes, the key workers carried them through. The doctors and nurses took care of the weakest and trusted the big changes to me and to you.


And as the human folk adjusted, through tough days and tougher times to come, we made a plan to live more kindly in partnership, with Mother Earth.

The Beginning.


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